Telegärtner RJ45 connectors use a patented combination of geometry and circuitry to minimize the inevitable impedance mismatch that occurs as when a cable’s 4 twisted pairs are laid out in a straight row. The scale of this performance difference is slap-in-the-ears obvious and indicative of the difference all connectors make, and installers who compare these connectors will have the opportunity to hear for themselves just how big a deal a connector can be.
In the March 2025 installment of Stereophile’s excellent “Re-Tales” column, author Julie Mullins highlights Big Kids Toys — an AudioQuest Mythical Experience dealer — and speaks with its 29-year-old sales...
While reviewing the TEAC PD-505T transport, Part-Time Audiophile’s Graig Neville is reminded that high-performance cables can have a powerful impact on overall performance.