Flat Series Speaker Cables

AudioQuest's Flat Series speaker cable is built around a Semi-Solid Concentric design. While this is not as transparent as AudioQuest's Solid-Core Conductors, Semi-Solid wire is significantly more resolved than conventional stranded bundle wire.
Megtekintés mint

  • AudioQuest G2 - G-2G/30FT 30 ft = 9 m Dark Gray with Silver Stripe PVC AudioQuest G2 - G-2W/328 328 ft = 100 m Off-White with Silver Stripe PVC
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    15 AWG ömlesztett hangszórókábel

  • AudioQuest X2 - X-2G/30FT 30 ft = 9 m Dark Gray with Red Stripe PVC AudioQuest X2 - X - 2G/30FT 30 ft = 9 m Dark Gray with Red Stripe PVC
    Ömlesztett tekercs


    14 AWG tömeges hangszórókábel

  • AudioQuest Q2 Full-Range - Q210BANS AudioQuest Q2 Full-Range - Q210BANS
    Teljes tartomány

    Q2 Teljes tartomány

    10' Hangszórókábel SureGrip 100 banándugókkal

  • AudioQuest Q2 - Q2328B White
    Nagy tekercs


    Tömeges hangszórókábel

Összehasonlítás /3
